PikaShow APK OLD Versions Download For Android (2024)

The frequent users of the Pikashow app often want to know the older version of the Pikashow app to download it on their devices. Of course, past editions of the Pikashow app require less space and are compatible with the older smartphone.

After saying this, these versions have fewer features and do not allow the users to watch the latest content or stream in the highest quality. But still, users with low-end devices search for such APK Editions of PikaShow.

PikaShow APK OLD Versions

APK NamePikaShow APK OLD Versions
Updated Updated3Hours Ago
Compatible with Compatible with Stream movies/TV shows/live TV
Version Version v84
Size Size50MB
MOD Features MOD FeaturesFREE
Category CategoryEntertainment
Developer DeveloperPikaShow Team
Price PriceFREE

The Pikashow app updates frequently and adds exciting features to its interface to make the app fun and captivating for users. The older version of the app might be compatible with your device. But it will not have the up to date features or content. This article will help you explore some of the previous versions of the Pikashow APK.

What is Pikashow APK – All you Need to Know?

The Pikashow app is an online streaming platform for users to watch their favorite movies, TV shows, documentaries, sports, news, and more. The Pikashow app allows users to experience the cinema through their smartphones. You can watch unlimited content from different countries and in the highest audio-visual quality on the Pikashow app.

The streaming is free. It allows users to explore exciting genres on the Pikashow app. You can add subtitles in various languages to understand the streams better. The Pikashow app helps users to make a customized playlist of their favorite movies or TV shows. It also suggests content based on your previous searches.

Perhaps, the Pikashow app never lets you get bored. You can always find something interesting on the Pikashow app and enjoy the best cinematic experience. You can explore the thrilling and fun features of the Pikashow app with its beginner-friendly interface. The Pikahsow app is the best online streaming app for users to watch their favorite movies and TV shows.

Why Acknowledge the Pikashow versions?

The Pikashow app is the best online streaming app. It allows users to have a captivating cinematic experience. In this article, we will explore the various versions of the Pikashow app. The older versions of the Pikashow app are just as exciting as the latest version for various reasons.

Why Acknowledge the Pikashow versions?

Updates frequently

Adding frequent updates to the interface is the best feature of the Pikashow app. The app updates regularly and adds exciting features for the users. The latest movies are available on the Pikashow app, and the features of the app are unique and thrilling. The frequent updates of the app make the Pikashow app the best online streaming platform with the latest content that is not available anywhere else.

Up-to-date app

The users like to stream the latest and updated content. The Pikashow app is the most up-to-date app. It has the latest movies, TV series, documentaries and more. You can find the most recent content on the Pikashow app and enjoy watching it for free. The Pikashow app updates frequently. It makes it ahead of all other online streaming platforms.

Exciting features

The exciting and thrilling features of this online streaming app are helpful for users to enjoy their streaming journey on the Pikashow app. The features of the Pikashow app allow users to access the various genres of movies and TV shows. You can add subtitles and change the language of the subtitles. You can easily navigate your desired content by typing it on the search bar.

Clear the bugs

The frequent updates and the latest version of the Pikashow app clear the bugs or errors in the Pikashow app to make it smooth and flawless for the users. The Pikashow app ensures the best cinematic experience for its users. The videos on the Pikashow don’t lag or buffer. It makes it captivating and engaging for the users. You can explore the exciting content on the Pikashow.

The older versions of the PikaShow app

In this part of this article, we will explore the features and the workings of some previous versions of the Pikashow app. You can explore these older versions to download the one compatible with your device that fulfills your requirements.

The older versions of the PikaShow app

  • Pikashow v.69

The version 69 is one of the oldest versions of the Pikashow app. This version does not have recent updates or the latest movies. The v.69 will not be compatible with the latest devices. There is more than one variation of the version 69. You can explore the features of this oldest version of the Pikashow app to download on your device.

  • Easy to use

As this version is one of the oldest versions of the Pikashow, it has easy-to-use features and less advanced tools. This version of the app does not have a complex working mechanism. It has limited content and is the most beginner-friendly version of the Pikashow app.

  • Decent interface

The interface of this version is decent and unique. There are no complex working tools or features to explore in this version of the Pikashow app. You can navigate your movies without a problem and enjoy the decent interface of the Pikashow v.69.

Pikashow v.72

The version 72 of the Pikashow app came on February 15th, 2022. The size of this version is 11.16 MB. It is a bit newer version of the Pikashow app compared to v.69. The features in this version are unique and exciting. You can download the v.72 on your device if it is compatible.

  • Movie Gallery

The version 72 of the Pikashow app has better features than the version 69. This version has a movie gallery. It allows the users to explore the movies and TV shows on the Pikashow app and watch their favorite content without a problem. This version of the Pikashow app is more recent and allows users to access movies and other exciting content.

  • Subtitles

Version 72 of the Piakshow app allows users to add subtitles while streaming. You can add subtitles in various languages to understand the movie or TV show. This version of the Pikashow app is captivating for its exciting features. It will keep you engaged for a long time.

Pikashow v.75

The version 75 of the Pikashow app is a little newer than the version 72. This version came in May 2022, and the size of the v.75 is 10.73 MB. The v.75 of the Pikashow app allows users to explore the exciting features of the Pikashow app and watch their favorite movies or TV shows without subscription charges.

  • Free to use

The Pikashow app allows users to watch exciting and fun content online without subscription or registration charges. The users can watch the content on the Pikashow app for free and enjoy the best cinematic experience.

  • High-quality streaming

Quality of the content is always the priority of the Pikashow app. In this version of the Pikashow app, you can stream your favorite content in the highest audio and visual quality. The quality of the content is the highest and HD. It allows the users to experience the cinematic journey through the smartphone.

Pikashow v.83

The version 83 is the latest and the newest version of the Pikashow app. It is the most recent version of the Pikashow app. It helps users to watch their favorite content on the best online streaming platform. The latest version of the Pikashow app came in September 2023, and the size of this version is 16.38 MB.

  • Download available

In the latest and the most recent version of the Pikashow app, the user can download their favorite to stream later and enjoy the offline version of the Pikashow app. You can download the movies and stream them whenever you want. The Pikashow app will never let you get bored, and the users can always find something of your interest.

  • Various Genres

The latest version of the Piakshow app has various genres that allow users to watch their favorite genres. The content is available in genres that help users to navigate their desired content without a problem. The genres of the Pikashow app are horror, fantasy, romance, fiction, sci-fi, and a lot more. Download the v.83 and enjoy exciting content online.



It is safe to say that the Pikashow app is the best online streaming app, and it is popular among movie lovers. The app updates frequently and adds exciting new features to its interface. The Pikashow app has fun and thrilling movie updates. It has various genres and content from different countries. The older versions of the Pikashow app are helpful when you have an older device. The latest version is incompatible with your device. It saves the storage space and allows you to stream movies on the old smartphone. But the older versions of the Pikashow app limit your access to the exciting features and latest films or TV series. You can update your app from the Google PlayStore.


The Pikashow app is an online streaming platform for movie lovers and viewers to stream their favorite movies online from different countries. The app provides unlimited content of movies, TV series, sports, live shows, documentaries, and much more. You can download the app and enjoy the endless fun.

If you want to install the Pikashow app on your Android device, you can get it from the Google Play Store. It is also available for the iOS devices on the Apple Store. The Pikashow app is also available for the PC device. You can get the app from its official website.

The Pikashow app is free to use. You can download the app for free. It does not require additional subscription or registration charges. The content available on the Pikashow app is free for the users. Enjoy the best streaming platform online.

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4 based on 1 votes
Software Name
PikaShow APK OLD Versions
Operating System
Stream movies/TV shows/live TV
Software Category
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